Annual Appeal: How You Can Shape a Better Future for Local Women and Girls

“Every woman is entitled to a life with dignity, respect, and opportunities to thrive.”

Dear Friends of the Fund,

Fall greetings from the Women’s Fund SouthCoast! In 2020, the Fund’s place and purpose became larger and more pressing than ever before in its history. In the face of unprecedented need, we assumed the mantle of leadership in our community.

In March, we launched an Emergency Appeal to address the sudden, urgent needs that burgeoned seemingly overnight. The Fund provided food security for area families, clothing and hygiene supplies for women seeking shelter, outreach to older women thrown into isolation, and other emergency services.

We then pivoted to return to our core mission: to address the long-standing issues the pandemic has exacerbated. We identified and funded innovative approaches to address the root causes of these conditions. Among other initiatives, we expanded our funding to keep adolescent girls safer, to assist immigrant women – a population disproportionately affected by COVID-19, and to advocate for more just policies, including access to childcare.

In this election year, we have promoted a more active citizenry, encouraging women to vote, and to advocate for policy reform. We created new networks and alliances that magnify the impact of women’s voices in our community. We organized local collective action to honor our late Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, to recognize her lifelong role in advancing women’s rights.

As we have done for 20 years, we stood up for the needs of women and girls.

Amidst this crisis, our hopeful mission remains: We imagine a world in which women and girls are valued and their voices are heard. We power this dream into reality by striking down barriers that prevent women and girls from living their best possible lives.

Every woman is entitled to a life with dignity, respect, and opportunities to thrive.

Now, more than ever, we ask you to give as generously as you are able to join us in making this mission a reality.

Your contributions will go directly to help local women and girls. You will shape a better future for them and for all who live in our beloved SouthCoast.

Yours, for the Fund,

Joanne Murray, Executive Director


What Drives Us

We imagine a world in which women and girls are valued and their voices heard.


Why Give

Local women helping local women. We advocate, we advance. Our collective voice initiates change.

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