The Women's Fund SouthCoast FY24 Impact Report

From our Leadership

We are thrilled to oversee this tremendous organization that continues to advance gender, racial, and economic justice on the South Coast and beyond. We are grateful for the opportunity to build off of the past twenty four years of impact. This year we saw exponential growth both in investments in our mission and our partnerships across the nation. Together, we far exceeded our fundraising goals, hired four new staff members, expanded our internship program, increased our grantmaking and launched brand new initiatives. We are excited to announce that we developed a five year strategic plan to lead us into 2025 through 2030 focusing on the following areas:

  • Diversify and increase funding streams to support our growth
  • Continue to build our organizational capacity and infrastructure to fulfill our mission
  • Position ourselves as a thought leader in the gender justice movement through fostering innovative and unique initiatives
  • Become a strong capacity builder for our grantee partners and other organizations committed to gender, racial and economic justice.

Thank you to all of those who continue to support our mission, new friends who joined our movement and those who are learning about us for the first time. We cannot and should not do this work alone.

We look forward to working with all of you today and in the future.

Christine Monska
Executive Director

Carmen Amaral
Board President


Christine Monska
Executive Director

Carmen Amaral
Board President


What Drives Us

We imagine a world in which women and girls are valued and their voices heard.


Why Give

Local women helping local women. We advocate, we advance. Our collective voice initiates change.

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