A Chance to Double Your Impact!


Dear Friend,

I never thought that this generation would see the erosion of women’s rights and gender justice so blatantly. The women before us fought tirelessly for the right to vote. Some shattered glass ceilings through becoming judges, CEOs, mathematicians, scientists and politicians. They charted new territory and created pathways for others. These pathways had forks in the road, potholes and barriers for those who were pushed to the margins, but yet they persisted.

Will you invest in a future that ensures all women, girls and gender expansive people on the South Coast have the tools they need to thrive?

An anonymous donor is offering $5,000 dollar for dollar match to the Women’s Fund SouthCoast, if the community can raise an additional $5,000 before June 30th. This generous promise of support is made in recognition of the important work the WFSC does to improve the lives of women and girls. All funds will be used to further the mission of our Fund as we continue to ensure equity and opportunities in our SouthCoast communities.

Your Investment in our collective future helps fuel gender and racial justice.

In community,

Christine Monska, Executive Director

(click here to donate today!)

What Drives Us

We imagine a world in which women and girls are valued and their voices heard.


Why Give

Local women helping local women. We advocate, we advance. Our collective voice initiates change.

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