News from the Fund! Spring 2023

In my first thirty days as your new Executive Director, I learned more from community members about the issues facing women and girls on the South Coast and collaborative efforts to address inequities. When the Texas decision was made, the Women’s Fund joined the Women’s Alliance in rallying to oppose the far reaching limitations that further erode reproductive rights. We amplified our advocacy efforts by engaging with young women from the region to expand their leadership skills and learn more about using their voice and standing in their power at the Girls Empowerment and Leadership Initiative. Collectively, we will join women across the Commonwealth for Advocacy Day on May 31. Read more below to learn more about how you can get involved with our upcoming events and initiatives to fuel gender and racial equity.

Christine Monska

Executive Director

Click here to read the full letter from our Executive Director

Click here to read the full newsletter!

What Drives Us

We imagine a world in which women and girls are valued and their voices heard.


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Local women helping local women. We advocate, we advance. Our collective voice initiates change.

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