We become architects of change for our community using the Economic Blueprint to fund systemic change.

Economic Blueprint for Women

Our results-oriented grantmaking is based on a framework called The Economic Blueprint for Women.

This plan, developed by regional leaders of nonprofits, was especially tailored for the SouthCoast. The Fund convened a task force of over 40 individuals and nonprofit organizations to develop programs and to advocate policies to improve the status of women and girls.

The Blueprint identifies systemic priorities for funding. No grantmaking is done in a vacuum. We partner with regional nonprofit organizations that share the same systemic approaches and have expertise to address barriers that keep women and girls from achieving access and opportunity to advance.

Our approach to funding is holistic recognizing that wraparound services are required for any sustainable progress. We measure outcomes, report to the community our successes, and adjust our strategies as we learn to become more effective. We share our best practices with other Women’s Funds as we also learn from their successes. Our grants result in significant gains for women, their families, and the SouthCoast community.

The Blueprint’s six points, while distinct, are interdependent. All work together to move women forward.

Each is necessary but not sufficient by itself to promote more equitable, just social structures.

The Blueprint
serves as the
rubric for our
action and

Early Education and Childcare

1 of 6

Employment and Benefits

2 of 6

Education and Training

3 of 6

Health, Safety, and Wellbeing

4 of 6

Public Safety Nets and Wraparound Services

5 of 6

Civic and Political Leadership

6 of 6

Early Education and Child Care

Increase access to free/affordable quality education and child care providing universal pre-K, a longer school day, after-school programs, and increased wages for child care providers.

Employment and Benefits

Create gender, racial, and ethnic equity in employment, benefits, and wages through legislative and legal and collaborative partnerships. Advocate for paid family and medical leave and a fair minimum wage.

Education and Training

Increase access to living wage-focused education and training programs concentrating on financial literacy, bridge and retention programs for women. Prepare young girls for career and college readiness paths. Promote STEAM education across all age groups.

Health, Safety, and Wellbeing

Increase and improve funding for services such as family planning, relationship violence education, and early trauma intervention with mental health and substance abuse support.

Public Safety Nets and Wraparound Services

Prioritize funding for emergency shelter services, transitional housing, access to public transportation, and child care vouchers. Support federal immigration reform.

Civic and Political Leadership

Develop a coordinated and diverse women’s advocacy voice in the region. Create and expand leadership development. Promote civic engagement.

How the Ripple Effect Works

When a woman advances, her life improves, and her family’s stability grows. Her success is our community’s success. The ripple effect continues. She passes along to generations new and imagined possibilities.

As she rises, we all rise.

Stronger Communities

Stronger Families

Stronger Women

What Drives Us

We imagine a world in which women and girls are valued and their voices heard.


Why Give

Local women helping local women. We advocate, we advance. Our collective voice initiates change.

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