MA Commission on the Status of Women’s Girls Empowerment and Leadership Initiative Partnership

Executive Director, Christine Monska and two New Bedford students, Elena Monteiro and Keyanna Jones attended the MCSW’s Girls Empowerment and Leadership Initiative. They presented The Fundamentals of Finding Your Voice session to young leaders from all across the state who came together to learn about civic advocacy, public speaking, economic empowerment, and so much more.

Together, we are building the future leaders of tomorrow, today.


Pictured: SouthCoast GELI – women and girls from the South Coast! Christine Monska, Elena Monteiro, Keyanna Jones and Bristol County Commission on the Status of Women’s former Chair, Stephanie Taylor is also pictured with two youth from Taunton.

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We imagine a world in which women and girls are valued and their voices heard.


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Local women helping local women. We advocate, we advance. Our collective voice initiates change.

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