Rally this Saturday! 11am- 12pm

Dear Friends,

Please join The Women’s Fund SouthCoast and other members of the Women’s Alliance and the Our Bodies Our Lives Coalition this Saturday from 11am-12pm at the Federal Building located at 53 N Sixth Street in New Bedford. Collectively, we will be marching to protest the Texas ruling that threatens to have far reaching ramifications for women, girls, and other birthing people in Massachusetts and especially, our region.

In a letter to the New Bedford Light members of the Women’s Alliance wrote, “By the time Roe v. Wade was overturned on June 24, 2022, it was clear that not only abortion but access to birth control and hard-won LBGTQ+ rights could also be in jeopardy. The mission of the coalition is to educate, empower, engage, facilitate, support, and protect the right to personal body freedom.”

New Bedford has been deemed an abortion desert where people in need of services must travel at least 44 miles to access an in-state clinic. Health Imperatives recently received funding to provide medication abortion to people in the region this summer. In a recent public statement, Governor Healey assured her constituents that “medication abortion is safe, effective and legal…Here in Massachusetts, we are not going to let one extremist judge in Texas turn back the clock on this proven medication and restrict access to care in our state.”

Our community has and will come together to ensure women and other birthing people still have the right to make decisions about their own bodies.

The Women’s Fund SouthCoast responded to the overturning of Roe V. Wade by establishing a fund to support Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts’s Access Program so women on the South Coast have less barriers to access care.

Join us for Advocacy Day on May 31 to share your position and how it impacts the lives of women, girls and birthing people in our region.

In Community,

Christine Monska, Executive Director

What Drives Us

We imagine a world in which women and girls are valued and their voices heard.


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Local women helping local women. We advocate, we advance. Our collective voice initiates change.

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