
Malala Yousafzai

Investing in Girls

To further support and expand its mission, the Women’s Fund SouthCoast (WFSC) is excited to join 15 other Women’s Funds from around the country as a member of the National Philanthropic Collaborative of Young Women’s Initiatives (the Collaborative).

The Collaborative works to advance systems changes and impact marginalized young women and gender-expansive youth and communities of color through the Young Women’s Initiative program (YWI). The YWI program was designed to ensure all young women – particularly young women and gender-expansive youth of color – lead, prosper economically, and live safe and healthy lives.

In 2024 the Women’s Fund SouthCoast is taking a collaborative approach. Instead of partnering with just one organization, we’ve decided to invest in the expertise of multiple organizations to come together to work with and support young women and gender expansive youth of color in our city. Our multiple community partners will lead the Young Women’s Advisory Council (YWAC) sessions. The YWAC is a cohort of young women and gender expansive youth of color from ages 14-22 with close connections to New Bedford who will create a blueprint for change in their communities. The YWAC will also advise the Women’s Fund on where to invest a pool of funding to fuel their solutions to the most pressing issues facing youth today.

If you are a young person interested in being involved in the YWAC and wish to apply for this opportunity, please fill out this form.

If you are a community partner interested in getting involved in this collaborative, please email our Program Officer Sam Scovill at

We collaborate with research partners to learn about the issues affecting young women, girls and gender expansive youth. We partner with them to advocate for change and fund solutions that are youth-driven

The report of the Commission on the Status of Women – Girls Initiative 2020 MA Girls – What’s Your Status? serves as one of our guidelines for community investments. 

What Drives Us

We imagine a world in which women and girls are valued and their voices heard.


Why Give

Local women helping local women. We advocate, we advance. Our collective voice initiates change.

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