Why I Give

The Women’s Fund SouthCoast’s supporters share why they continue to invest in our work to advance gender and racial equity.


"Once I was financially successful, I could do more than talk about equity for women. If I could give, a lot of others could also. To effect change, we need money."

Judge Bettina Borders, Women’s Fund SouthCoast Founder and current Board member 


"The face of women’s philanthropy has changed dramatically – it has been democratized and diversified… it is grassroots and its effect is growing and its time is now."

Chrissie Bascom, Women’s Fund supporter


"Understanding poverty means you know what it does to a person, a family, a neighborhood, a community. You know the systemic issues people face—issues they didn’t create and can’t control. You know how much strength and resilience they need to break the cycle. And you know in your heart, that they deserve more."

Manuela Rosa, former Program Director for our LifeWork project and former Board member

Every time you give, we become a stronger voice to advocate for gender and racial equity

Because of youwe can help young women and girls …


  • Develop leadership skills
  • Advocate for social change policies and programs
  • Pursue a college education or a trade program
  • Expand their social and economic capital
  • Create pipelines to fill critical leadership positions in all sectors 

Because of you more women can …

  • Complete college or trade programs
  • Find meaningful living-wage jobs
  • Begin families when they are ready
  • Afford child care
  • Start their own businesses

Because of you more women will …

  • Vote
  • Run for elected office
  • Serve on nonprofit and for-profit boards
  • Give their talent, time, and treasure to support the next generation of changemakers

Because of youwe can interrupt the cycle of poverty

Women's dollars make the difference.

Your Dollars


Women's Empowerment Progress Advancement

What Drives Us

We imagine a world in which women and girls are valued and their voices heard.


Why Give

Local women helping local women. We advocate, we advance. Our collective voice initiates change.

Join Us!


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